CJUSD CampEd 4 has ended
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Jim Hudson

Illuminate Education
Customer Success Manager
Inland Empire
I am a former teacher of 11 years in the Inland Empire. I've been involved in EdTech for 12 years training school districts how to effectively implement technology into the classroom. I have a wife of 17 years and a daughter beginning 8th grade in a few days. She tries to avoid me when I put on my teacher hat to explain things to her. I'm an avid Dodger fan and bleed Dodger Blue. Yard sales are becoming my Saturday morning fun, I have lots of stories to share if you ask.I really enjoy helping educators maximize their efforts in the classroom. Using Illuminate can change the way you provide standards practice and valuable feedback to students. Imagine going to soccer practice and the coach trains you in skills and strategies, but never tells you how you are doing. The coach has you practice all week then play the game on Saturday, but seldom corrects your mistakes or misconceptions. How fast would you improve? Think about the classroom and how important it is to provide feedback to students and they learn new skills and standards. How do we do that? How often? Helping students become stewards of their own learning is the best lesson any teacher can provide their students. My job is to show people how they can do that using the tools in Illuminate. It's not difficult to do, and can actually move your students growth at more rapid pace.